Essay on Making Election Inclusive, Accessible and Participative|Inclusive And Accessible Election Essay
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Essay on Making Election Inclusive, Accessible and Participative |
Making Election Inclusive Accessible and Participative Essay in English :
National Voters Day 2022 :
The National Voters’ Day is observed on January 25 every year to mark the foundation day of the Election Commission of India in 1950. This day is meant to encourage, facilitate and maximize enrolment of new voters.
To promote the electoral process among newly eligible young voters, the theme for National Voters Day this year is "Making Election Inclusive, Accessible and Participative".
Essay on Making Election Inclusive Accessible and Participative
"Please Vote for right as Voting is our right"
We all know that India is a great democratic country. In our country, every person has the right to Showcase his /her political views. It is the prime element of the election. An election is considered the prime pillar of democracy. Its our duty to make elections inclusive, accessible and participative.
Meaning of inclusive & Accessible Election:
The election process in a democracy is usually similar in most ways. It is the responsible for shaping the govenment of a Country. The strategic framework on accessible and inclusive election is built around sensitization through education and training, community involvement of different Sections of Society effective partnership with institutions and creation of facilities to Cater to the public needs of persons with Disabilities (PwDs) with a view of increasing their participation.
" Be Bright , Vote for what is right"
Importance of Election in India :
It is the responsibility of citizens is voting. The law does not require citizens to vote, but voting is a very important part of any democracy. By voting, citizens are participating in the democratic process. Citizen's votes for leaders to represent them and their ideas and leaders support citizens.
one of the most important features of the democratic policy in india is india is elections at singular intervals, Holding periodic, free and fair elections are essentials of a democratic system and a part of the basic structure of the constitution.
Initiative to make election inclusive, Accessible and Participative:
The Election Commission of India works on the vision of "No voter to be left behind and is committed to the inclusion of all categories of voters in the electoral process to achieve the desired objective of Universal adult suffrage. The Election Commission of India is committed to an equal access framework for empowering persons with Disabilities (PwDs).
Steps to make Election inclusive, accessible:
1) The electors with disabilities and senior citizens were mapped polling station wise to provide them targeted and need based assistance on the day of poll.
2) All the polling stations were equipped with wheel chair, Hamps, expert, signage for the convenience of PwDs Electors.
3) To facilitate PwDs during the enrollment process door to door registration drives.
4) EVMs were used in the elections was embossed with Braille signage for the visually impaired voters assistance.
5) Accessibility observers were introduced, who ensured all the polling stations are accessible to PwDs.
"No voters to be left behind"
Most importantly, in a democracy the election process follows the method of a Secret Ballot. It is very beneficial for maintaining the fairness of the contest. Morever, they also protected the privacy and safety of the voters. Hence people are able to make election more inclusive accessible and participative.
"One vote can change the Luck of whole country"
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