Second terminal examination 9th english 2023 Bihar board

Second terminal examination class 9th english 2023, 2nd terminal exam 9th english question paper/Bihar board second terminal examination Question paper 2023 PDF class 9th english

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Bseb board Class 9th english second terminal examination Question paper 2023 PDF
9th English second terminal examination Question paper 2023 PDF

How to download 2nd terminal examination 2023 question paper class 9th english

Dwitiya sarvdik pariksha 2023 class 9th  You can download all through the official website or you can also download through our website through the link given below

How to download second terminal examination 2023 class 9th english solution pdf

if you want to download the second terminal examination 2023 class 9th solution pdf All of you can download the Paper   solution through the official website or you can also download through our website through the link given below

द्वितीय सावधिक परीक्षा, 2023

प्रथम पाली - 9:30 बजे से 12:45 बजे तक

Second Terminal Examination 2023

Class - 



F.M. - 100

प्रश्न संख्या 1

है। किन्हीं 50

चिन्हित करें।

परीक्षार्थी यथासंभव अपने शब्दों में उत्तर दें।

(खण्ड) -1 वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न



प्रश्न संख्या 1 से 60

है। किन्हीं 50 प्रश्नों

चिन्हित करें।

यथासंभव अपने शब्दों में उत्तर दें।

(खण्ड) -1 वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न

तक में दिए गए चार विकल्पों में से एक ही उत्तर सही

के सही उत्तर को उत्तर तालिका (OMR Sheet) में

Second Terminal Examination - 2023
Class -

Time: 3:15 Hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
(Choose any 50 correct option I to 60)50x1-50

Second Terminal Examination - 2023


Class -IX


Time: 3:15Hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as p 1/


11. 'e-mail' is a store an

Choose any 50 correct option 1 to 60)50x1=50

1. 'Dharm Judha' is a story of young

(A) lady

(B) boy

() girl

(D) orphan

2. For whom is life hell according to

Padma's mother?

(A) A widow

(A) way

(C) communication

12. By air pollution,

people suffering fro

(A) Malaria

(C) Cholera

13. Which country is m

(Q.1) Passage-

Writer, Musician and Philosopher. He

was born in 1861 in Calcutta. Tagore

was popularly known as 'Ravi: Music

was an important part of the Tagore

family. Ravi too like poetry and music.

GVHe wrote his first poem Banphool

when he was just 15. It was later

published in a magazine. Ravindranath

Tagore had also seen interested in the

Folk music of Bengal. He wrote nearly

50 books and more than 3000-poems..

He was awarded the Nobel Prize for

Literature in 1913 for his book



(0) Who was Ravindranath Tagore? What

did he like?

(ii) Which award was given to him in 1913

and for what?


(iii) Make sentences with; Music, Interest.2

(iv) Which was his first poem?


2. Coconut is the most important nut in

the world It is one of the hinnast of all

(Q.iv) ANS- Banphool was his first poem.

(Q2.) passage -

(Q.2.i) ANS - Coconut is the most important nut in the world.

(Q.ii) ANS- The height of an average coconut tree is hundred


(Q.iii) ANS- Rope Matting and brooms are made from the

outside layers which protect the nuts.

(Q.iv) ANS- The flesh of the green coconut

(Q.iii) ANS- The meaning of the last two lines is God made all

things for love, so we should love all things.


4. Write a paragraph on any one of the

following topics in about 50 words: 5

(i) Your School garden (ii) Pollution

(ii) The Postman (iv) Our National Flag

(v) The Rainy season. tiane ahnneing

(Q.4,v) ANS-

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