अँग्रेजी 11वीं वार्षिक पेपर 2024- क्लास इलेवन्थ इंग्लिश ऐन्युअल एग्ज़ैम पेपर 2024 बिल्कुल लेटेस्ट पेपर आपके वार्षिक परीक्षा 2024 यही सारे पेपर आ रहे हैं आपको मिलेंगे तो तो बहुत ही ज्यादा संभावना है की ये पेपर आपके स्कूल में आये में पूछा जाए तो पोस्ट को शुरुआत से लेकर एंड तक जरूर देखना
class 11th english Annual Exam yearly Paper 2024
सारे क्वेश्चन इम्पोर्टेन्ट है जो कि आपकी तैयारी में बहुत ही हेल्प करेंगे 15 मिनट प्रश्नपत्र पढ़ने के लिए दिए गए हैं ठीक हैं यहाँ पर देख सकते हैं चार खंडों में प्रश्नपत्र विभाजित है ठीक है ए बी सी एन डी प्लस सेक्शन ए रहेगा रीडिंग का रीड थे
Class 11th english varshik Pariksha paper 2024 PDF
पैसे गिव नबलों ऐंड आन्सर द क्वेश्चन्स दैट फ्लॉप तो इस पैकेज को अच्छे से आपको पढ़ना है और इसी से फिर चार प्रश्नोंके कितने प्रश्न दिए है हाँ इसके नीचे जो भी प्रश्न दिए हैं उनका उत्तर आपको इसी पैसेज इससे निकालकर लिखना होगा
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Varshik pariksha 2024 class 11th english |
English Class 11 Ka Paper 2024 PDF
तो ये पैसे शुरू होता है यहाँ से ऑल तो नथिंग वास् सैड अबाउट इट एंड नो नेम स्वेर मेन्शन्ड 881 प्लेस देर वास् इन ऐक्सीडेंट वन ओनर वास है न्डिंग एवर ही स्टोर्च टू ए फ्रेश रनर लेट इट गो आउट तो ये पूरे चैपटर से आप से संबंधित होगा जो आप पढ़ते हो पोएट्री सप्लिमेंट्री में तो जीस भी चैपटर का हो उसको
mp-board-class-11th english final exam paper 2024
(B) Read the following passage and answer the questions given
It wasn't morning yet, but it was summer and with daybreak not
many minutes around the corner of the world it was light
enough for me to know I wasn't dreaming.
My cousin Mourad was sitting on a beautiful white horse.
I stuck my head out of the window and rubbed my eyes.
Yes, he said in Armenian. It's a horse. You're not dreaming.
Make it quick if you want to ride.
Questions :-
(1) Who was sitting on the horse?
(i) no one
cousin of the speaker
(v) both (ii) and (iii)
(iii) the speaker
(2) Name the lesson these lines have been taken from.
(3) What does the word 'daybreak' mean?
(4) Write the noun form of the word 'beautiful'.
Q.10 Answer any five of the following questions - (Word limit 30 words)
(i) What did the grandmother do when the author returned from
abroad after five years?
How did the sailors repair their ship when it was first attacked
by winds?
(iii) How did the children console the fear-stricken parents?
(iv) What is the base element in Pranayama?
(v) What does European paintings reproduce?
(vi) What is Article 48A?
(vii) What was written at Lusaka Zoo?
Q.11 Answer any three of the following questions - (Word limit 30 words)
(i) What does the cardboard refer to in the poem?
(ii) Why does the Laburnum tree become yellow in the month of
(iii) What took the shape of showers in the sky?
(iv) What makes the earth beautiful?
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Class 11th english Annual Exam Question paper 2024 PDF
(v) Why does father feel like a stranger with his son?
Q.12 Answer any two of the following questions - (Word limit 30 words)
(i) Why did the boys return the white horse to its owner?
(ii) What reason did the head teacher give for expelling Albert from
(iii) How did Andrew save Susan Morgan?
Q.13 Answer any two of the following questions - (Word limit 75 words)
(i) What was the turning point in the friendship between the
grandmother and the author?
(ii) What is the aim of the Green Movement?
(iii) Why are the local forest decimated in poor countries?
Q.14 What is the central theme of the poem 'The Laburnum Top'?
(Word limit 75 words)
How is the father's helplessness brought out in the poem "Father to
Q.15 'The Address' is a story of human predicament that follows war.
Comment. (Word limit 75 words)
There lies a great difference between text book medicine and the
world of practising Physician. Discuss.
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Class 11th English Varshik Paper 2024 solution pdf
SECTION - D (Textbooks)
Q.8. Read the extract carefully and answer the questions given below– (1×5=5)
We lifted her of the bed and, as is customary, laid her on the ground and covered her with a red shroud. After a few hours of mourning,we went to her room with a crude stretcher to take her to be cremated. The sun was setting and had lit her room and courtyard. All over the verandah and in her room right up to where she lay dead and stiff wrapped in the red shroud, thousands of sparrows sat scattered on the floor. There was no chirruping. We felt sorry for the birds and my mother fetched some bread for them. She broke it into little crumbs, the way my grandmother used to, and threw it to them. The sparrows took no notice of the bread. When we carried my grandmother's corpse off, they flew away quietly. Next morning the sweeper swept the bread crumbs into the dustbin.
Questions –
(i) Who was covered with a red shroud?
(a) the grandfather
(b) the grandmother
(c) the mother
(d) the poet's sister
Ans. (a) the grandfather
(ii) Why did the birds not eat the breadcrumbs?
(a) because they were not hungry (b) because they were mourning
(c) because they wanted to eat something else
(d) because they had no time to eat
Ans. (b) because they were mourning
(iii) Which word in the passage means'a dead body?
(a) shroud (b) blaze
(c) corpse (d) funeral
Ans. (b) blaze
(iv) Who is the author of the above passage?
(a) Nick Middleton
(b) Kushwant Singh
(c) A.R Williams
(d) Shirley Toulson
Ans. (b) Kushwant Singh
(v) The birds _________
(a) ate the bread crumbs (b) did not eat bread crumbs
(c) sweft the bread crumbs into the dustbin (d) chirruped loudly
Ans. (c) sweft the bread crumbs into the dustbin
Mp Board Class 11th English varshik paper 2024
Q.9. (A) Read the extract from the poem and answer the questions below– (1×3=3)
The seed I spent or sown it where,
The land is his and none of mine?
We speak like strangers, there's sign
Of understanding in the air,
This child is built to my design
Yet what he lives I cannot share,
Questions –
(i) What does the father wish for?
(a) understanding
(b) financial support
(c) moral support
(d) none of these
(ii) What kind of a relationship the father and the son have?
(a) cordial (b) strained
(c) warm (d) good
(iii) These lines show –
(a) friendship (b) understanding
(c) grief (d) happiness
(B) Read the passage and answer the questions given below– (1×4=4)
And one day I noticed that I was still curious about all the possessions that must still be at that address. I wanted to see them, touch, remember. After my first visit in vain to Mrs. Dorlings house I decided to try a second time. Now a girl of about 15 opened the door to me. I asked if her mother was at home. 'No' she said, ''My mother's doing and errand," "No matter,' I said, 'I'll wait for her'.
Questions –
(i) Which address the author is talking about?
(a) address to her own
(b) address to her mother
(c) address to Mrs. Dorling
(d) none of the above
(ii) What are the possessions the author referring to?
(a) things at the house of her mother
(b) things owned by herself
(c) things taken away by Mrs. Dorling
(d) things stolen from her
(iii) For whom did the author want to wait?
(a)for Mrs. Dorling
(b) for her mother
(c) fir Mrs. Dorling's daughter
(d) both (a) and (b)
(iv) What is the noun form of 'curious'?
(a) curiously (b) curiosity
(c) cure (d) none of the above
Q.10. Answer the following questions in about 30 words – (Any five) (2×5=10)
(i) What did grandmother used to feed village dogs and why?
(ii) What was the feat that Gordon Cook repeated after 200 years back?
(iii) Who was Tutankhamun?
(iv) What was the profession of Gaitonde?
(v) How will Khan Sahib go to Peshawar?
(vi) What does Kora means?
Q.11. Answer the following questions in about 30 words– (2×3=6)
(i) What do you infer about feelings of poet in the poem 'A photograph' ?
(ii) What is the poets feeling towards childhood?
(iii) Why cannot the father understand what his son speaks?
(iv) What happens when the rain falls on the seeds.
How to download Class 11th English varshik paper 2023 PDF
Q.12. Answer the following questions in about 30 words– (Any two) (2×2=4)
(i) When did the boys return the horse?
(ii) How was Mrs. Pearson responsible for her own misery?
(iii) What was Andrew's view of marriage?
Q.13. Answer the following questions in 75 words – (Any two) (3×2=6)
(i) Describe the author's grandmother.
(ii) How did the grandmother celebrate the author's arrival?
(iii) Describe the title of the story the "adventure" ?
Q.14. What is the central theme of the poem, 'The Laburnum Top' ? (3)
How is the father's helplessness brought out in the poem, 'Father to Son'.
Q.15. 'The address' is a story of human predicament that follows war. Comment. (3)
How according to you, can peace and liberty be maintained in a state?
Class 11 English Varshik Paper 2024
आप उसी हिसाब से इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर आपको देने होंगे पहला प्रश्न क्या हैं व्हाट हैपन्ड ऐक्सिडेंटली एट वन प्लेस अकॉर्डिंग टु राइट ठीक है ऊपर जो पैसेंजर है उसके अनुसार क्या हुआ था अचानक एक स्थान पर जैसा कि ऊपर लिखा हुआ है
अंग्रेज़ी कक्षा 11 Annual Exam Paper 2024
दूसरा प्रश्न है english class 11 varshik paper, 2024, english yearly paper 2024, अंग्रेजी कक्षा 11 varshik paper, class 11 angerji model paper 2024 board वॉट मस्ट हैव बीन द ए फैक्ट ऑफ द ऐक्सिडेंट ऑन द पर्सन हूँ कॉज़ ऑडिट अगला प्रश्न व्हाट इस ओवर ड्यूटी आफ्टर वी हैव कॉम कॉम लैक्टिक कॉम्प्लिकेट आऊं रेज कॉम्प्लीट होना चाहिए
अंग्रेज़ी वार्षिक पेपर 2024 कक्षा 11वीं
इसको ठीक है annual exam 2024 yearly paper, english yearly paper कंप्लीटेड ओर एजुकेशन यहाँ पर गलत हुआ है ना तो वॉट इज़ योर ड्यूटी आफ्टर वी हैव कंप्लीटेड ओर एजुकेशन तो यहाँ पर जो भी प्रश्न हैं उनके उत्तर आपको देना है चलते है अगले पेज पे दोस्तों अगले पेज पर भी दोस्तों ये जारी रहेगा हॉट गुड सिटिज़न स्कैरी विद